


⧼i18n-Report:Spam filter problems⧽

Block #476459 on Filthy Frank Wiki

Hello, Fandom Staff have blocked such racial slurs due to abuse. You have to censor n-word or not using for create or editing pages. --TokihikoH11 35?cb=20200829171322 (talk | contributions) 10:34, September 4, 2020 (UTC)

Block #530810 on Doom Wiki en español

EN: I am sorry, we have blocked whatoplay links due to severe cross-wiki advertising (striked 440 wikis by the same user) for increase abusively SEO. I removed whatoplay links on this page for being able to edit again.
ES: Lo siento, hemos bloqueado los enlaces de whatoplay debido a la publicidad cruzada de wiki severa (440 wikis bloqueados por el mismo usuario) para aumentar el SEO de manera abusiva. Eliminé los enlaces whatoplay en esta página para poder editarlos nuevamente. (Google Translate utilizado)
--TokihikoH11 35?cb=20200829171322 (talk | contributions) 07:30, September 5, 2020 (UTC)

Block #%23539452 on Topstrongest.Fandom

All Read Comics Online site are illegal, please don't use these links on any Fandom page.--35?cb=20130911015810Rain  (talk) 14:03, September 5, 2020 (UTC)

Block #471260 on Ioannis Kourouklides

I am the admin and owner of the wiki.

Please find the error below:

The page you wanted to save was blocked by the spam filter. This is probably caused by a blacklisted link or pagename.

The following link, text or pagename is what triggered our spam filter: (Block #471260)

If you think this is wrong, please contact us here. Please, provide a copy of this message when reporting any problem.

  • Signature: -- Kourouklides (talk) 18:59, September 6, 2020 (UTC)